Tutorial for creating android apps without any coding knowledge

Google has this excellent video on how to use the appinventor to create applications for Andriod platform. Appinventor is creation of Google labs which has App Inventor logochurned out some awesome code and not so awesome code in the past. This one looks promising though. Andriod as most of you might be knowing is the open source operating system for mobile phones which is backed by Google. By the end of the Google plans to release an operating system for computers called Chromium.

In this video the lady creates a small application which has a photo of the cat which when clicked on or touched plays back a purr. Enjoy and start creating your own applications for your Andriod phone – I’m dying to get one.

If this video interests you then see this tutorial on how to create a popular game molemash on the appinventor website. One little dampener is that you have to request for access to the appinventor app by filling out this form here on the appinventor website. 

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