Save photos in RAW or JPEG fomat
From this post it seems it is best to shoot photos in RAW format since most of the cameras have a bias when it comes to compressing RAW format photos to JPEG's. Specially since storage space is getting cheaper storing photos is RAW format will not hurt that much.
in reference to:"Some cameras don't even have JPG mode (such as the Sigma SD9 and SD10). Others have a color bias in JPG mode: the Canon 1Ds Mark II and 1D Mark II being examples. If I photograph with my 1D Mark II in JPG mode, the file is noticeably saturated in the reds. I can correct it in Photoshop, but I would avoid this if I photographed in Raw. So maybe even I will end up photographing in Raw some of the time!"
- Raw or JPEG? Should You Capture Digital Photos In Raw or JPEG Format? (view on Google Sidewiki)