Porn on Delicious! - or is it spam

Delicious is one of my favorite websites for social bookmarking.

I go through the popular links on Delicious and usually they are good results and cover a lot of topics that I have interest in. I was surprized therefore when I saw the link "Enlarge Your Penis – A Safe, Step-by-Step Method of Adding Inches to Your Penis Size" as the 4th most popular link on Delicious. It was linked to the site

So what happened here. I'm sure a lot of us would want what the title says but from experience know that such things are spam and would be afraid to click on the link. I did not have the guts to click on it.  It seems that some of the hackers have gamed the Delicious site to get their list listed on Delicious. I wonder how many click through's they got from this listing on Delicious.

I'm also surprized that delicious did not catch this. It is a given that a site like Delicious would have a spam filter for porn for sure and how this got through the filters is confusing to me. Delicious needs to get its act together (Yahoo are you listening) otherwise if this is not plugged soon things will go haywire and lot of the users work would be lost.

I think it is time for me to backup by bookmarks from Delicious to my computer to be on the safer side. What do you think? Has such a thing happened to you in the past?