Examples websites having a well designed services page
Web Square
URI - http://www.websquare.co.uk/services/The services page provides an introduction to each service with the click through to a dedicated page for a particular service. It works well from the perspective of the customer as they can see the full range of services provided at one place and further a page is dedicated to the service which allows one to optimize for a higher ranking for a particular services in the SERP.
The use of icons across the page is also interesting and lends a colorful look to the page.
URI - http://ensema.co.uk/services/Large icons have been used to represent the services. If the services have to be added to the home page this would be a great way to present the services. Some inspiration or ideas can be taken from the website at http://www.leicesterwebdesigners.com/ as the services section is based on a similar design.
Quite Curious
URI - http://www.quitecurious.com/Quite curious has a interesting page where the front page has a small writeup or introduction of the service provided which the user can click through to the services page. If the content is written well this can improve engagement of the visitors which should be a primary goal of a website. However, there is a drawback as well which is that in case the customer is looking for a services page then they would not find one easily on the website. Therefore there is a trade of here but hey you can always do some split testing to see which design works for your website.
Sarah Lynn Designs
URI - http://www.sarahlynndesign.com/servicesClear and usable interface of the services page which provides clarity to the user which is important for any services page.
Urban influence
URI - http://www.urbaninfluence.com/servicesA nice way to present the services in a collapsible accordion using Jquery. Though on the website the sub sections of services are not linked, ideally pages for each sub section should be created and linked to from the subsection.
Blue Fountain Media
URI - http://www.bluefountainmedia.com/services-overviewThe page is particularly unique in that for each service portfolio examples have been provided as well which help in building faith in the services provided by the business.
The services page should have a call to action which the customer or the visitor should click on to get in touch or ask any questions. This is a major component that is missing on most of the websites. Further it will help to have a video about the services as well in this age of growing importance of video content.